Definition Latches :
The output of a latch depends on its current inputs and on its previous output and its change of state can happen at any time when its inputs change.
- S-R Latch
Active - Hight Input S-R Latch
Active Low Input/S-/R Latch
Negative-OR Equivalent of the
NAND gate /S-/R Latch
The Gated S-R Latch
A gated latch requires an Enable input, EN (G is also used to
designated an enable input). The S and R inputs control the
state to which the latch will go when a HIGH level is applied to
the EN input. The latch will not change until EN is HIGH.
Truth Table for Gated S-R Latch
The Gated D Latch
Only has one input in addition to EN. This input is called the D (data) input.
-When the D input is HIGH and the EN input is HIGH, the latch will SET.
-When the D input is LOW and EN is HIGH,the latch will RESET.
-Another way, the output Q follows the input D when EN is HIGH.
Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops
- The Edge-Triggered S-R Flip-Flop
The S and R inputs of the S-R flip-flop are called synchronous input because data
on these inputs are transferred to the flip-flop’s output only on the triggering edge
of the clock pulse.
Operation of a positive edge-triggered S-R
- The Edge-Triggered D FlipFlop
The D flip-flop is useful when a single data bit (1 or 0) is to be stored.
- The Edge-Triggered J-K Flip-Flop
The J-K flip-flop is versatile and is widely used type of flip-flop. The
difference is that he J-K flip-flop has no invalid state as does the S-R flip-flop.
Asynchronous Preset and Clear
The state of the flip-flop independent of the clock. These preset and clear
inputs must both be kept HIGH for synchronous operation.
Flip-Flop Applications
- Parallel Data Storage
A common requirement in digital
systems is to store several bits of
data from parallel lines
simultaneously in a group of flipflops.
- Frequency Division
: n is number of flip-flops. Example: 2 flip-flop will divided frequency
by 4 (2
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